The Delhi Government has announced quite a few initiatives in the education sector in its budget 2020-21. These include setting up Delhi’s own education board, curriculum revamp, schools of excellence, a teacher training university, spoken English programme for alumni of government schools and participation in PISA Test in 2024.

PISA is a prestigious international educational assessment process held every three years in the field of education and Mr Sidodia is optimistic of achieving a distinct place in it in 2024. He also plans to provide newspapers to children so as to develop newspaper reading habits amongst the children. In the current financial year special classes were organised to improve upon the English speaking skills of the students. This initiative will continue in the next financial year also.

School health schemes will also be introduced from next year. Delhi’s State Board of Education will also be launched. The purpose of which would be to establish a system of education and examination wherein the children will focus on understanding and learning rather than rote learning.


Source: NDTV