The world is becoming environment conscious and is exploring innovative ways towards living a green lifestyle. Educational institutes of UAE are making every effort to create awareness and preparing the young students to do their bit in protecting environment. Sustainability is part of core curriculum in Dubai Schools. Students too are calling upon their peers to be part of eco-friendly campaigns.

A Teacher at Sharjah Indian School suggests that students should get involved in eco-friendly related clubs, workshops and competitions. It will encourages them to adopt green lifestyle. Small gestures like not wasting food, keeping classrooms clean, going digital, switching off lights and fans when not in use and planting at least one plant can have long term implications.

UAE believes in reducing its emissions significantly. Expo 2020 in Dubai has sustainable living as one of its 3 sub-themes that can be adopted by people worldwide. ‘The Sustainable City’ in Dubai is designed towards leading an environmentally responsible lifestyle by its inhabitants. Fairgreen International School in The Sustainable City uses solar and wind power, uses recycled water for agricultural use and implements waste segregation.
