The Next Generation Artificial Intelligence Development Plan (NGAIDP) was introduced by China in 2017 in a bid to connect AI with most part their life including education. It aims at becoming the world leader in AI by 2030. It is focusing on increased education in AI at primary and middle schools. This way it not only makes the young population familiar with the technology but is also revolutionising how education is being imparted. 

Tech startups projects launched in schools have secured government support and private investors. Startup Squirrel AI precisely maps student’s gap in understanding, updates and adjusts the curriculum accordingly. Other startups like Alo7 and Hanwang use face and voice analysis to its video tutoring sessions and also produces summary reports of each lesson. It weekly analysis of each student’s behavioural data is accessible by teachers and parents through their mobile. Deploying of AI tools where there may be a shortage of quality teachers can help with the learning process.

What’s The Situation In India?

Like China, India too is a populous country and is in need of a properly developed education sector to steer the nation towards a great future. India has a lot to learn in terms of improving education and teaching methodologies, in making it more intuitive and useful for students by integrating AI tools.  AI based platforms can also be looked upon as a substitute for the shortage of quality teachers. Research indicates that 11% of the startups are in the education sector. Unfortunately, unlike China no application in India has managed to come to the top. AI in India can help identify gaps in the learning of the students and provide real time solutions. It can also tell the areas where teachers have been outnumbered by the students and create optimised learning programs impacting a large number of students. 

Source: Analytics India