Rukmini Krishnaswamy, Director of Spastics Society of Karnataka is renowned for her contribution in helping children with cerebral palsy and other disabilities. Putting forth her views.

By definition ‘inclusive education’ is that where all children having variable ability levels are included in the mainstream classrooms or in the most appropriate or least restrictive environment (LRE), where students are taught as equals and the teachers adjust their curriculum and teaching patterns so as to benefit all students. It means creation of an environment where each any every member is equal despite physical and mental disabilities, economic status, caste, colour, religion or creed. 

Challenges and Barriers

  • Many policies have been introduced by the government of India that are inclusive for people with disabilities, its their proper implementation which is lacking 
  • Unfortunately society at large still does exclude on the basis of poverty, gender and caste. Furthermore, their negative attitudes results in social discrimination leading to isolation and has a negative impact on having an inclusive atmosphere.
  • Adverse peer attitude too is a hindrance towards a full social inclusion at school for differently abled students. They become an easy target for  the bullies. 
  • A teacher’s acceptance, attitude and commitment is vital for implementing inclusion. Regular teachers at times consider students with a disability as a responsibility and a source of disturbance and distraction for the general class.
  • Schools prefer to give admission to children with only mild disability. Preference is given to students whose parents are prepared to take on the extra responsibility of their ward. Logistic and infrastructure problems also add on. 
  • The curriculum is decided by the centre which is rigid and offers little flexibility for local adaption or for teachers to experiment upon. 
  • Arranging for writers to assist such students during the examination is not easy. 
  • Teachers are not trained properly to teach a child with special needs. Currently the trainings are fragmented, uncoordinated and inadequate. 
  • There is no authentic data as to the number of learners that are excluded from the school system due to lack coordination among many systems. 
  • Adequate financial resources have always been the biggest challenge to inclusion. 

 Source: Newz Hook