The fast changing world of technology in the education sector has turned the tables for the teachers. The educator now needs to be educated!! The iDEAL (Innovation in Digital Education and Leadership) institute works with schools to familiarize the teachers with immerging classroom technologies so that imparting knowledge with the new tools would become less intimidating for them.

A modern style of teaching empowers a student to take charge of his own education, hence the integration of technology is essential for this independence. Education through recitation, memorizing techniques and teacher prepared lessons has given way to inquiry-based interactive pedagogical practices.

While most of the teachers, over a period of time, do familiarize themselves of its application but what is important is to make this transition as painless as possible. We need to give them time and space to learn about the new methods. For example it would be nice if they receive the brief or training when the children are having their school breaks and also not to overload them with new initiatives.Institutes enthusiastic about integrating technology should keep in mind to integrate one tool at a time for the benefit of the teachers. The administrators should have a clear vision with specific goals while introducing technological solutions. Data Analytics is a good way to know where the school can plug holes both for teachers and students.
