These days online learning is the only viable way to continue with classes in schools. In fact, this new medium offers great flexibility and interactivity between students and teachers. The following four golden rules can help make online teaching and learning for children more effective.

Understand digital tools and plan around them

Accepting change has never been easy. The integration of technology in education could be a new territory for many teachers. What is important is to first understand the functioning of various tools and then decide which you would like to use. 

Encourage students to create a ‘digital learning space’ at home

Encourage the students to have a personal learning space which is distraction free and receives a strong internet connection.

Make learning interactive

Recreate an offline classroom environment by including some real-time interaction into your online class. You can choose from many features like breakout rooms, chat rooms etc . which will also allow you to exercise control over questions and answer them without interrupting your own teaching flow. 

Evaluate your students regularly

Regular evaluation of the students is important to establish a sense of accountability in them. Ask questions during the class and make it interactive. Include quizzes, assignments and tests to ensure the students are regular with their studies.

Source : edtechreview