Roughly till about a decade ago, a library was a vital part of one’s childhood. It was a place surrounded with rows of bookcases, racks of glossy magazines, and shushing librarians. With technology permeating this space has undergone a dramatic transformation. It has some of the latest technology driven devices for classroom use. It is a space where students and teachers use to collaborate and hold conversations on learning projects.
How have libraries become future ready?
Transformational libraries do not just adopt the latest technology blindly but first identifies the devices and software that adds to the student’s learning. To achieve same the admins and the librarian adopt the following practices
Encourage librarian leadership
The librarian of the school is in sync with every student enrolled. Thus, a librarian has the potential to influence student learning. A library should now be seen beyond just a storehouse of technology where the librarian plays an important role in improving a child’s achievements and growth.
Make relationships a priority
No use of a library full of reading material but no takers. Students, teachers, parents, community and the stakeholders should participate in identifying ways to support the librarians in creating a future ready library.
Connect beyond the confines of the building
Future ready libraries are spaces where the student can reach well beyond the walls of the school through technology with the subject experts to enhance his learning.
To sum up future library will continue to stock books but will also create a space where students will collaborate on projects and would be a place full of activity. Technology and group work will reign supreme. It would be a blend of old and new thereby creating a dynamic room for learning.
Source: The Tech edvocate