“There is no school equal to a decent home and no teacher equal to a virtuous parent.” 

Mahatma Gandhi

Parents, school and teachers….the three very important pillars that shape your child. Each plays a very distinct role in their overall holistic development. Rather they complement each other.  Anyone working in the field of education can vouch that an effective communication between the three is the only factor which can make this possible. 

Skolaro’s cloud based Learning Management System (LMS) understands the need of an open communication and has integrated a very effective Parent, teacher and student portal both on the web and mobile platform.

A sneak peek into the features of a Teacher’s Portal (Web and Mobile)


Faculty can keep all their teaching materials such as  files, photos, documents, presentations, videos and other documents in locker in an organised manner. This feature also eliminates the need of pendrives


Post messages, newsletters or have an interactive session with specific group(s).

Assignment and Assessment

Assignments can be assigned to individual students, group or to the entire class with features like assignment notifications, reminders, submissions, feedback, assessment and uploading of a supporting document .  The student, on the other hand, can submit the same online thus doing their bit in saving on paper.  


Issuing circulars, posting notices on notice board and making announcements of upcoming events in the school can be quite agonizing at times. Create and share a weekly, monthly or yearly planner from our calendar feature

Student Attendance 

For a minute take a time travel and transport yourself back when you were in school. Recall the first ten minutes when the teachers used to pull out a register to take attendance every day.  This manual process was time consuming and prone to errors in calculations. With the Attendance Application  this process is now eased out and a detailed report of each student is available anytime.   


A smartly constructed timetable is extremely important for a smooth functioning of an institute. Information regarding allocation of classes and the daily routine can be viewed by the teachers anytime from the comfort of either their mobiles or the web.

Question Bank and Quizzes

Among the various responsibilities a teacher has is to set-up an effective quiz or question paper to stimulate a child’s intellect. Preparing question papers is a repetitive and time consuming process. Using Skolaro’s ‘Question Bank’ and ‘Quizzes’ application can accomplish this task in minutes!!

In our next blog we shall apprise you of how beneficial is Skolaro’s Parents Portal both on the web and mobile.