Changes have been introduced by the Knowledge and Human Development Authority (KHDA) in the way private schools will be inspected in Dubai. Based on extensive feedback, the notice period to the schools has been reduced to 5 working days from 3 weeks. The KHDA in into its 12th year of such inspections. The inspections ensure quality education to children.
The inspectors will especially assess how the schools are ensuring the Emirati students progress in reaching their potential. The focus will also be on priority areas like how the school is fostering and cultivating the child’s talent and skills. The inspectors will spend extra time in schools that need more development.
Pre-inspection visits to the new schools in Dubai are made for three years after which there is a full evaluation. The entire process of inspection will be paperless. Parents and students will be able to read the school inspection reports on KHDA website
Focus areas for 2019 school inspections
- Social Studies- This is a key subject now and the student’s progress evaluated
- National Agenda- Each school’s improvement towards achieving their individual targets
- Inclusion- the expectation towards quality of provision provided to students of determination will continue to increase by the inspectors
- Moral Education- Review of schools compliance with the government’s guidelines for imparting moral education
- Innovation- Emphasis on school’s innovation towards leadership, curriculum, learning and teaching
- Reading across the curriculum- The focus on student’s reading skills in all subjects will continue including English and Arabic as first language.
Source: Khaleej Times