To put it simply, Flipped Learning is ‘School work at home and home work at school’. Here the students are given lecture content like recorded lectures, curated videos, reading assignment, video broadcasts etc to study at home and then discussions, interactive exercises and independent work is done in the classroom under the guidance of the teacher.
This model of learning encourages individualized learning at one’s own pace. Students can apply new knowledge on their own in their home assignment. In the classroom the teachers can identify the common problem areas and redesign the material accordingly. This methodology is known to have improved student achievement in nearly any subject.
How to get started
Make a video of your lesson. You can also screencast i.e. video record your computer screen which includes audio too. Figure out which lesson you would like to flip. Outline the key learning outcomes and the lesson plan. Share the video with your students giving clear instructions.
Armed with your lecture and guidelines, the student will now start with his research work and will go more in depth of the subject matter. In the classroom, the students can be divided into groups and given tasks like write a poem, enact etc. All this will further help to enhance the student’s knowledge on the subject. After the class you can review, revise what did and what did not go well and then repeat with another topic.
Source : educatorstechnology