Although the UAE government allows shorter working hours during the holy month of Ramdan, the students have an additional responsibility to prepare for the final exams while being on fast which could be quite testing in itself for them and their parents.  

Speaking to a few students, parents and schools, we may conclude that eating the right amount of healthy food including fruits and vegetables and drinking enough water to stay hydrated throughout the day at Suhoor is advisable. Sleeping for an hour after school also helps refresh mind and body before taking up homework and studying to avoid overexertion. Generally, morning time after Suhoor is good to take up studies. Since there are no distractions one can study with a focused attitude.  Regular breaks during study time and good parental support provides constant motivation and keeps one going.

Teachers work towards developing a student’s learning and focusing skills which help reflect upon one’s own learning to evaluate their strengths and weaknesses. As a result, the students develop strategic studying skills right from their early years.
