Along with stress every student goes through a mental marathon during the exam time. Dr Geeta Buryok, Head Dietician, Max Hospital shares some vital tips on diet to keep the children healthy while addressing hunger cravings.

Include foods like milk and milk products, sprouts, tofu, eggs, chicken, fish, add some healthy nuts in cereals like dalia, oats, quinoa and whole wheat products. These give energy to your brain and make it work efficiently.

Almonds, walnuts, fish, flaxseed, banana, chickpeas, spinach, broccoli etc are brain boosting foods which help improve memory and concentration.

It is very important to keep yourself hydrated. Apart from 8-10 glasses of water every day drink healthy beverages like milkshakes, fresh soups, lemonade, lassi and coconut water

Do not have more than one or two cups of coffee, tea or dark chocolate in a day. The caffeine in these make you alert and active.

Go for healthy snacks like protein bars, fresh fruits, peanuts, roasted makhanas, roasted chanas etc

Make sure you have at least eight hours of sleep. Proper sleep ensures increase in learning ability, checks mood swings and boosts immune system

Electronic devices may be used for an hour daily as a recreational activity 

Source: The Times of India