After Pratham’s Annual Status of Education Report wherein India persistently has a low learning outcome, it is time we pay attention to teachers who play a key role in the life of a student. To improve the level of learning in India, better incentives for teachers, stronger training programs for them need to be looked at.

The teachers of government schools lack skills and motivation. Per National Council of Educational Research and Training study there is no systematic incorporation of teacher feedback for designing training programs. Such trainings have limited outcome and there is no way to find out whether this is being incorporated into classroom practice or not. Cumulative effect of such factors demoralize and de-professionalize the teaching profession.

The HRD Ministry in collaboration with Central Square Foundation and Ekstep have introduced skill based ‘Learn whatever, whenever’ courses for them. Findings have also revealed that nearly 45% teachers were not adequately trained and about 70% indicated the need for support or course in Mathematics, English and Sciences. Also the current training module is one-size-fits all approach. The survey also indicates certain behavioral gaps. Nearly half of the teachers believed that excellent academic results cannot be achieved by the children due to their socioeconomic backgrounds.

Providing continuous professional development through technology-enabled blended model keeping in mind their potential will be helpful.
