Devika form Malappuram in Kerala was born without arms and she has not looked back, as far as education is concerned, ever since her mother stuck a pencil in her toes when she was a child. She had mastered writing the alphabets and numbers in class 1. At the age of 16, she has scored A+ in all the subjects in class 10 boards and amidst all the praises and awards is familiarising herself with class 11 textbooks. Joining the civil services is her aim.
Her Parents and her teachers have been her pillars of support and ensured the best of education for her. She refused a scribe wrote all the papers herself. She also is interested in art and paints well. Her paintings were exhibited at the Kozhikode Swapnachitra Art Gallery. She enjoys singing and won the Best Cadet award in Junior Red Cross.
Source: The Better India