Modern day education system focuses on emotional, physical, psychological well-being of a child rather than just text book learning. A child’s initial phase of learning is as important as his higher education.
Before Turning 5:
It is well established that majority of the child’s brain develops before the age of 5 and achieves many milestones. Pre-school is his first interaction with an institute and society.
Providing Hands on Experience:
Going beyond textbooks the child is taught through the use of blocks, toys, sand, water etc. This way they learn faster while having fun.
Minimizing Assessment Gap:
Marks is not the only parameter a child is assessed on rather on his social, moral and comprehensive development as well.
Integrating Technology in Classroom:
Introduction of technology has transformed a dull and monotonous classroom into smart classes. Visual upshots, audio discourses and other supplementary methods help understand and retain information better.
Co-curricular Activities:
These activities inculcate sportsmanship, practical solidarity, teamwork and productive thinking and also help the child discover their hidden talents.
Focus on Child’s Physical Fitness:
With childhood obesity becoming a cause of worry globally, physical activities like running, swimming, dancing and other outdoor activities are given equal importance. It has been seen that this also results in better academics.
Child’s Nourishment:
Modern school also ensures healthy environment with nutritious balanced diet.