Video assignments are turning out to be a new rich form of evaluation than the traditional paper based assignments.

Why Video Assignments? 

Today’s generation’s fixation to their smartphones need no mention. With high resolution video cameras the shift to video assignments will not be an issue. In fact, it will be easier for students to record a video and submit for instant feedback. Video making assignments promote creative thinking, teamwork and project management and one also develops an employment relevant skill. The following can be a good example of video making assignments-

  • Documentary 
  • Presentation 
  • Interviews 
  • Skills Demonstration 
  • Public Service Announcements  
  • News Reports 
  • Dramatization 
  • A Mash up of Clips 

Advantages of Video Assignments

  • It teaches students persuasive visual argument as it would require them to do a deep, iterative, conceptual and rhetorical thinking. 
  • Students would need to incorporate content from various sources, conceptualize the script, interview etc, film and edit the video. All this is creative and analytic work
  • It saves time as they are not typing out long assignments
  • Peer humiliation encourages students to put that extra effort into the assignment.
  • In depth research of the subject is required before one makes a video. There is no two opinion that visuals help retain knowledge better and if the video has a fun twist, the better it is for the viewers

Questions to consider.. 

It can be disheartening if the video is badly planned especially if the student is not properly trained in the said technology or is not clear about the purpose of the assignment. So it will be important to give precise guidelines and training. 

How to Assess Video Assignments? 

It is imperative to design a fair grading system that is not demoralizing for the student. For this. they should have a clear understanding of the focal points and purpose of the video like – the storyboard, Script, Selection of content, Technical understanding and teamwork.


Source : edtechreview