Schools in UAE are soon going to start with their summer vacations and many parents would look for summer camps to enroll their wards to. 

Activities and interests

Look beyond pricing, location and schedules, the activities should be in tune with the child’s interest and personality. Discuss with your child and choose what fits your as well as the child’s needs, hopes and plans for summer. Encourage your child to come out of his comfort zone but do not push too hard to pursue activities that they are not interested in.

Specialty or multi-activity?

This question is best answered by your child whether he wants to join a specialty summer camp where the focus would be on a particular subject or activity or would rather attend a multi-activity camp where child is offered a mix of indoor and outdoor fun. Whichever you decide upon should support your child’s physical, social, emotional and intellectual development goals. 

Calculate the cost

Look beyond pricing but remain within your budget. Enquire from the organisers whether the prices are inclusive of all activities or would there be an extra charge for equipment, field trips, stationery etc. Explore camps with sibling discounts, early bird offers or multi week plans. 

Stance on safety

Do visit the place for a first-hand view. Enquire around to get an idea about its general safety standards like if there is a medical staff on site to handle emergencies, how the children supervised during swimming, whether there are trained lifeguards and instructors, fire safety measures etc

Staff credentials

Find out the qualifications, experience, training in positive discipline and behaviour of the faculty as this has a direct impact on your child. The camper and ratio is also an important factor. 

Value of downtime

Do not pack the child’s schedule with too many activities. Some unstructured time into routine is must where they can simply indulge in doing things they enjoy. This will have a positive behavioural impact. 

 Source: Gulf News