We cannot undermine the importance of a preschool. It is the first independant step of a child away from the comfort of his home and parents….. a place which gives a good head-start for lifelong learning and is the foundation of their growth for the rest of his life.

Modern day preschools should ensure holistic growth of the little ones. Alongwith toys some educational activity boxes should also be given the children to play with. Experiential learning through such play activities are designed to stimulate their minds and promotes early child development in a fun and engaging manner. Field trips to give nature lessons always spark interest and curiosity in children. Poor EQ often results in aggression, anxiety, depression and poor academic performance. So equal importance must be given to develop emotional quotient along with their Intelligence quotient. Simple materials given to them to make something out of it unleashes their creative energies. DIY tasks inspires and also engages them which is important for their overall growth and development. Role play can improve their concentration and imagination.

Source: https://www.hindustantimes.com/education/why-pre-schools-need-to-adopt-innovative-strategies/story-araT1fwpDYI6otfsG7CaZM.html