It is time to move ahead from the colonial way of evaluating the a learning at the end of the year and assigning a grade. Assessments should be based more on classroom performance to improve a student’s learning abilities. Classroom based and student centric assessments, in particular, help low performing students to improve upon their overall learning levels. Assessments should be viewed where both students and teachers understand and work towards improving upon their problem areas
There should be a timely individualized feedback instead of focusing on final grades or score. Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation (CCE) was introduced in 2010 and assessments in general and classroom assessments in particular were given lot of importance
Unfortunately, teachers still misinterpret its core purpose and still continue grading based on textbook recall or recitation. This is due to teacher training curriculum. Teacher training should focus on interlinking curriculum, pedagogy and assessment. It should be a tool to promote self-reflection and critical thinking in students
Formative assessment should either be of multiple smaller summative tests or just superficial questioning while teaching a lesson. Curriculum to include assessment integrated lesson plan modules, formative assessment tools and techniques and guidance to use assessment results for better learning.
Source: Deccan Herald