In a bid to acquaint the students of the high degree of job satisfaction with an unmatched quality of life in the armed forces, the Indian Air Force (IAF) conducted awareness campaigns in various institutes across the country. 

Under the leadership of Wg Cdr Sneha Singh, the programme was made possible with the help of DISHA (the publicity cell under the Directorate of Personnel Officers at the Air Force Headquarters) Team. Apart from the eligibility criteria the students were also made aware of the various qualifying exams. The seven roles of IAF including Air Defense; Offensive Operations; Military Logistics; Attack Helicopters; Aid to Civil Authorities, Casualty Evacuation and advantage of having joint operations with the Army and Navy were discussed. The students were given an experience in the IPEV (Induction Publicity Exhibition Vehicle) with the help of a flight simulator, glastron, aircraft models, display of flying clothing and other youth oriented gadgets.


Source: Education Times