At present time going for an efficient school management software is not at all a bad deal because it provides a complete single integrated platform for digitizing educational institutions activities just with a single button click only. So many advantages are there to use Skolaro school management software.
Let’s discuss how Skolaro School ERP System proves to be very beneficial for the schools.
Guarantees Safety of Students: Skolaro school ERP system effectively record and maintains a proper the students’ and parents’ database so that institute safeguard each and every student in a proper manner by keeping track of the entry/exit and with whom they came/go.
Attendance Management: School attendance management system module allows staff and teachers for making attendance records in a more efficient and smart way. So there is no need to waste precious time in calling out the roll numbers and student names along with proper real time reports.
Skolaro is an online school management software that simplifies the institute’s academic & administrative processes effortlessly.
Alumni Management : Alumni students can get in touch easily with their classmates at fixed intervals and also plan annually get together in with school authorities which provides an improved managed relations and events.
Hostel Management: School hostel management system software is a significant tool for maintaining entire records for day scholars or hostelers.
Timetable Generation: It facilitated automatic generation of tailored timetables for schools so that teacher can automatically handle replacement wisely & efficiently.
School Accounting Software: Skolaro is best school accounting software makes it properly track accounting, financial and budgeting data so that team of administration might augment the sales process accordingly.
Fee Management: School Fees collection software by Skolaro is specifically developed and designed for automating the intricate part for fee collection functions along with necessary functions and also generates real time receipts and vouchers.
Library Management : Library Management module is proficiently used to manage the library catalog for tracking records of complete transactions of the books available in the library which automatically handles items owned, orders made, bills paid etc.
Transportation Management : Skolaro school transport management application software enables the administration of educational institutes office to excellently manage the transportation fleet owned by along with accurate vehicle details, specific documents, staff details with smart integration of GPS system to track routes, time and driver location.
Inventory Management: Inventory management system software permits for both item and vendor management for streamlining bulk sales and goods returns for complete departments in an Institute.
Skolaro is a school management software that was launched to provide an advanced and easy-to-use software system to schools, colleges and educational institutions.
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