Per directive from CBSE, schools to become ‘water-efficient’ in the next 3 years by adopting a policy of water management and conducting a regular water audits. The guideline states that the schools to replace old fixtures and appliances with water efficient models, installing automatic sensor taps and double flush tanks. Any leakage to be promptly fixed. Being a water-efficient school is not restricted to infrastructure only but also in the manner in which the water is used by the school and its sensitivity towards water conservation. Schools will also form a ‘water management committee’ which may include administrators, teachers, students, non-teaching staff, parents and a few members from the community. The committee would ensure compliance of the guidelines issued by CBSE. 


Schools will conduct regular water audits and set their own benchmarks towards water efficiency plan, improve infrastructure and earmark green spaces for irrigation practices. Installing rainwater harvesting structures, planting natie and drought tolerant plants, increasing water literacy among students, taking up water conservation topics during workshops, visit  water treatment plant have also been suggested in the guidelines. 


Source: News 18