The International Baccalaureate Organisation (IBO) is a non-profit educational organisation in Geneva, Switzerland. It was founded in 1968. It offers high quality of international education to schools globally. Schools affiliated with them are called IB World Schools. ‘How to learn’ is the focus of their pedagogy rather than ‘what to learn’. There is no external evaluation exams till class 10. Forty schools in India offer IB curriculum. The list of which is available on and they differ drastically from one another. Therefore, selecting the right school for your child could be a task. The following criteria may be helpful in making the right choice.
Are they following IB curriculum the whole time?
IB schools provide education from nursery to grade 12. Therefore, it will be worthwhile if the school provides IB curriculum throughout. It would be to the interest of the child to follow one methodology of learning. A good IB schools helps maximise students understanding of the concept and provides free access to external resources and courses.
How diverse is their community?
Diversity in culture and race widens a child’s knowledge. They appreciate other’s contribution in the global community. Therefore, it would be nice if you could find out how diverse is their student and faculty bodies.
Liberal Mindset
School should provide not only intellectual growth but also play an important role in making the child emotionally intelligent. This will be achieved only if the vision of the school is such. They believe in making students happy and confident; where the focus is on overall development and not only academics. The school should practice the values and skill sets of the IB to the fullest, is open-minded and liberal.
School Values
What is the institute’s own set of beliefs and values to run the organisation which has, over the period of time, come down to staff and students. It would be important to find out it the school’s environment matches their beliefs and values
Source: India Today