How many of us have been subjected to corporal punishment in school? I’m sure many of us can recall our teachers abusing us with sticks or other tactics that made us feel humiliated. 

Even now, our elders believe that past discipline methods and strategies were superior, but the next generation will adopt new approaches that are more positive and effective.

Positive discipline tactics, according to proponents, have the ability to bind the relationship between parents and children. It also assists parents in better understanding and expressing their children’s feelings.

What Is Positive Discipline, Exactly? And Why Is It Important?

A positive discipline is a clever form of child discipline in which parents actively talk with their children about acceptable and unacceptable behavior. They can also explain the benefits and repercussions of excellent behavior with this information. 

Although positive discipline may appear to be a harsh strategy, it focuses on resolving issues and motivating students to take better activities.

1. Redirection:

Recognize that children have a short attention span, which is why they can be switched to another activity if they behave inappropriately. 

Related: How To Teach Your Children To Be Assertive?

For instance, whenever they’re doing anything that could harm them, try diverting their attention in a different direction. If they don’t take charge, try diverting their attention away from the location. 

However, keep in mind that the correct positive discipline can only emerge when the parent is present and involved. To cut down on the disagreements, they must be completely concentrated in the current time.

2. Positive Reinforcement:

Praising your child for their excellent behavior and activities encourages them to repeat those behaviors. Praise them for a specific attribute, such as caring about your health or sharing their food with others. Also, tell them how you felt about the gesture, as well as how the recipient felt.

3. Single-word reminder:

After certain reminders, children dislike complex reminders. Instead of explaining to them how to get their shoes ready for a stroll and how to put on the socks that come with them, just tell them ‘Shoes’ and let them do it. If they still don’t do it, use the phrase “please” and explain the situation later. 

Related: Permissive Parenting: Is It Bad Or Good For Our Children?

Remember that if you repeat the directions again and over, you will exhaust both yourself and your child.

4. Selective Ignoring:

It is not necessary to correct everything that your child has done incorrectly. When they shatter the vase, spill their milk bottle, or interrupt your or other adults’ conversation, you can use selective ignoring. 

Although you must use this strategy with caution since you cannot overlook harmful, destructive, or cruel activities, furthermore, disregarding anything that is considered ‘bad’ conduct may not be the best course of action.

Related: How To Teach Mindfulness To Your Kids?

5. Make some Ground Rules:

Setting ground rules for children encourages them to make their own decisions within certain parameters. Even if they make a mistake, you offer them the opportunity to correct it and avoid it from happening again. 

These ground principles also assist children in making better decisions and heading in the right route.


We genuinely hope that these positive discipline tactics for kids and numerous positive discipline approaches will assist you in determining how your child should be treated in the appropriate manner. 

Which techniques have you implemented so far, and which will you implement in the near future? Please share your ideas and opinions in the comments box below.