Adolescence is a period of struggle and challenge in the lives of both children and their parents. The main worry is difficult to manage on its own, but when combined with the hormonal and other environmental changes that accompany adolescence, anxiety can become overpowering. 

When anxiety is already a problem in your teen’s life, any measures you take to help him or her might be difficult, unpredictable, and messy.

If your teen is suffering from anxiety or panic attacks, the first thing you should take is to learn the symptoms of the disorder and where they come from. After you’ve confirmed this, you can take additional actions to assist a teen who is experiencing anxiety.

What Causes Anxiety in Teenagers? 

When it comes to addressing this topic, there are no specific causes that we can list, but I do have some ideas on what can induce teenage anxiety and panic attacks: 

Peer Pressure. 

One of the key reasons why kids may develop or suffer anxiety or anxiety attacks is the need to “fit in,” as I mentioned previously. Another cause is the pressure to succeed. With the pressure to succeed increasing, teenagers are confronted with an increasing number of challenges that can become overpowering all too quickly.

Related: How To Teach Mindfulness To Your Kids?

Fear of the unknown. 

The fear of the unknown may be one of the other reasons why anxiety is growing more widespread these days, especially in the present pandemic situation, where teens and youngsters spend most of their time under lockdown and between online classrooms.

The Influence of Others. 

Today’s teenagers are heavily reliant on social media. While being linked to others is beneficial, it may also lead to self-worth and self-esteem difficulties in teenagers who compare their lives to those of their peers and friends. 

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Aside from these factors, developmental concerns, hormone shifts, and other major lifestyle changes can all play a role in a teen developing anxiety problems.

How to Help Teenagers With Anxiety?

Here are some things you can do as a parent, guardian, or teacher to support a teen with anxiety: 

Recognize Their Signs and Symptoms 

Your teen may feel at ease approaching you and expressing their concerns and feelings, but they may not feel at ease sharing their thoughts with you. Don’t take it personally; keep in mind that they may not be aware of their own symptoms. 

Anxiety or panic can manifest as the following signs and symptoms: 

  • Worries about regular life that repeat 
  • Alterations in their conduct (being more irritable and aggressive, etc.) 
  • Withdrawing from social situations or avoiding them 
  • alterations in their grades 
  • Putting off going to school 
  • Have a hard time staying focused?

It is critical to educate yourself about their disorder, whether it be panic or anxiety. Read up on your teen’s specific or recurring symptoms, treatment plan, and other materials for learning more about their condition if they’re in therapy.

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Encourage self-care. 

Taking care of a teen with anxiety or panic disorder can be exhausting for both the parent and the caregiver. In this situation, it’s better to focus on your mental, emotional, and physical well-being. Take some time to ensure that you are meeting your mental health needs. 

When your teen sees you taking care of yourself, it will inspire them to do the same. Teenagers are impressionable, and they will emulate or practice what you do. Self-care activities might assist you and your teen in unwinding.

It is recommended that you seek professional help if your teen’s anxiety and panic difficulties are interfering with their daily routine and existence. School counselors, teen therapists, and counselors can all provide professional assistance.